G4K Cosmic Creature Rescue Game - In “Cosmic Creature Rescue”, you are tasked with saving a lost alien creature stranded on a vibrant, otherworldly...
Dog and Cat Escape - Inuneko-Chan + Scratch – Dog and Cat Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Inuneko-Chan...
365 The Old Chalet Escape - 365Escape – 365 The Old Chalet Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape. In this Chalet...
G4K Princess Thalassa Escape Game - In Princess Thalassa Escape, the brave Princess Thalassa, guardian of the ocean realms, finds herself trapped by a mysterious...
BEG Find the Spacecraft - BigEscapeGames – BEG Help Find the Spacecraft Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape...