G2M Eggscape - “In Eggscape, you meet an old man in desperate need of a rare and magical egg to unlock a powerful secret. As you explore...
8B Find the Pet Dog with Boy Lewis - Help Boy Lewis find his missing pet dog in this fun escape game filled with puzzles and hidden clues. Search various rooms,...
G4K Puppy Rescue from Garden Game - In “Puppy Rescue from Garden”, you embark on a heartwarming adventure to save a playful puppy that has become...
Miniature Escape 1 - Jim-Ar + EscapeEnigma + Itch.io – Miniature Escape 1 is another point and click room escape game developed by Jim-Ar...
G2J Baboon Escape from Wood Cage - Games2Jolly – G2J Baboon Escape from Wood Cage is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly. In...