G4K Cosmic Creature Rescue Game - In “Cosmic Creature Rescue”, you are tasked with saving a lost alien creature stranded on a vibrant, otherworldly...
Dog and Cat Escape - Inuneko-Chan + Scratch – Dog and Cat Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Inuneko-Chan...
365 The Old Chalet Escape - 365Escape – 365 The Old Chalet Escape is another point and click escape game developed by 365 Escape. In this Chalet...
G4K Princess Thalassa Escape Game - In Princess Thalassa Escape, the brave Princess Thalassa, guardian of the ocean realms, finds herself trapped by a mysterious...
BEG Find the Spacecraft - BigEscapeGames – BEG Help Find the Spacecraft Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Big Escape...
Pick up waste, clean up oil spills and heal the oceans bit by bit! Venture out on your own boat, clear out parts of the sea and make sure you recycle everything properly. This game is the perfect way to teach kids about ecology and recycling, or just to pass the time in a mindful way. Level up the ship and leave a lasting legacy on planet Earth.